first home

Buying a New Home

Acquiring a residential property is an extremely significant financial choice that holds great importance. In addition to serving as a dwelling place, it plays a critical role in securing your overall financial stability and presents a plethora of advantages, including:

Engage in a conversation with your mortgage lender. By obtaining a pre-approval, you can showcase to sellers that you have met with a mortgage lender, submitted the necessary documentation, and established a solid budget. This will make you a more appealing buyer and give you an advantageous position when making an offer.

Benefits of purchasing instead of renting:

  • Accumulate personal wealth instead of your landlord's
  • Attain financial stability
  • Benefit from tax advantages
  • Have complete control over decisions relating to your property! Shape your home exactly as you desire.

Appreciation: A residence acts as a long-term investment and an asset that has the potential to increase in value as the associated debt diminishes. By implementing various enhancements, you can further augment the value of the property.

Ownership: When you invest in a residential property, you are obtaining a share in an asset. As your loan is gradually paid off, you not only gain complete ownership but also accumulate equity in the property.

Equity: Having equity in your residence allows you to leverage it by means of refinancing or home equity lines of credit. This bestows upon you enhanced financial flexibility, which proves to be exceedingly advantageous when pursuing goals such as debt consolidation, home improvements, or covering substantial life expenditures.

Financial Security: Visualize living without the burden of unexpected rent escalations. With a fixed-rate mortgage, your monthly loan payments remain constant throughout the loan's duration. This awareness grants you the freedom to adjust your other living expenses accordingly and make informed decisions, knowing that a key component of your financial jigsaw puzzle will not undergo unforeseen alterations.

Tax Benefits: Were you aware that mortgage interest and property taxes are typically tax deductible? Unlike rent payments, you may be eligible to deduct these living expenses from your taxes. Consult a tax professional to explore the tax advantages that homeownership can bestow upon you.

Talk to our Loan Officer and Get Your Dream Home!

Whether you’re here to buy Your First House, Refinance, or a Reverse Mortgage; We are always here to help you. Call us today to get started with great rates!


Steps for Purchasing Your First Home

Step 1: Discover a suitable house

Collaborate with your realtor and clearly communicate your preferences and requirements. Since the closing process can sometimes be time-consuming, it is advisable to commence your house hunting journey 3 to 6 months prior to your desired move-in date.

Your realtor can provide guidance on a wide range of aspects when evaluating a property, including:

  • Determining the severity of any property issues (whether they are significant or merely superficial)
  • Assessing the school district associated with the house
  • Considering quality-of-life factors such as traffic volume and crime rate
  • Identifying the perks of residing in a particular area, such as vibrant nightlife or access to public transportation
  • Examining property tax implications

Once you have identified the home you wish to purchase, consult with your agent to negotiate the purchase price and request their assistance in arranging an inspection by a qualified home inspector.

Rely on your realtor for assistance throughout this process. Keep the following key points in mind:

  • Your agent possesses extensive knowledge of the local market and can determine a fair price for the desired home
  • The inspection will identify any significant structural issues that require attention, such as plumbing or heating problems or roof leaks
  • If you desire additional items beyond the house structure to be included in the sale (e.g., appliances), ensure that it is explicitly stated in your sales contract

In addition to the documentation provided for pre-approval, submit the remaining financial information required to secure a mortgage interest rate until the closing date.

You will need to provide:

  • Your two most recent Federal tax returns, including all pages
  • Your two most recent W-2s and/or 1099s
  • Your two most recent personal bank statements, including all pages
  • Your two most recent paystubs
  • A copy of your photo ID

The process of underwriting and appraisal involves the lender verifying the information provided in your application, evaluating your creditworthiness, and arranging for an assessment of the property.

Here is how the underwriting process unfolds:

  • Firstly, the underwriter conducts an initial examination
  • Further details may be requested from the borrower
  • The loan is then reevaluated by an underwriter for final approval and to confirm readiness for closure
  • The loan processor communicates to all involved parties that the Clear to Close (CTC) has been obtained and confirms the scheduled date and time for closing.

Congratulations! Once all the necessary documents for the conclusion are signed, the house will officially belong to you.

To ensure a smooth conclusion without any last-minute problems, it is important to come prepared by following these steps:

  • Thoroughly examine the final documents to verify the agreed interest rate and loan amount.
  • Make sure to bring a cashier's check that will cover the expenses associated with the conclusion, including closing costs and your down payment.
  • Remember to bring your photo identification and, if required, your Social Security card. These will be needed to confirm your identity during the conclusion.